Grätz Number

Grätz number is proportional to { (thermal capacity) / (convective heat transfer) } and is used in heat transfer in general and convection in laminar flow calculations in particular. It is equivalent to {(L/d) / (Re.Pr)} or {(L/d) / Pe}. It is normally defined in one of the following forms :

Grätz Number (Formula 1)
Grätz Number (Formula 2)
Grätz Number (Formula 3)
Grätz Number (Formula 4)
Where: | ||
alpha | = | Thermal diffusivity |
Cp | = | Heat capacity |
d | = | Diameter |
G | = | Mass velocity |
k | = | Thermal Conductivity |
L | = | Length |
m | = | Mass flowrate |
rho | = | Density |
V | = | Velocity |